Scientific-industrial joint venture  "ECONIKA"

The information testifying to operational effectiveness ozonotherapy 
at treatment of different diseases and AIDS
Technical   and   operating   characteristics

           The equipment for ozonetherapy                      Exterior
 "BOZON - M" - the apparatus completely automates realization of procedures of ozonohydrogen admixture gasation (нHA), insufflations, autohemotherapy, and also allows to ozonize physiological solution, distilled water and oil. The apparatus has the built - in gauge of the charge of gas and gauge of concentration of ozone in gas. 
 Administration of the procedure is reduced to choice of required procedure from the menu, establishment of parameters of procedure (concentration of ozone in gas or liquid, rate of the charge, volume) and start of procedure. All rest, including account of concentration of ozone in water, isotonic solution and peroxide number in oil will be carried out automatically. 
  PARAMETERS OF THE UNIT: concentration of ozone in нHA - 1-100 mg/litre (mistake 5 of %), flow rate OHA- 50 -700 ml/min (mistake 10 of %), set volume of gas 50-2000 ml (mistake 10 of %), productivity on ozone - 1,5 gr in one hour.

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 "BOZON - C" - post of the doctor Нzonotherapeutist.
    The apparatus is supplied with gauges of ozone in gas and liquid. The design of liquid gauge allows measuring concentration of ozone in liquids in process of ozonization. The apparatus completely automates all basic ozonoterapeutics procedures, including automation of process of preparation of ozonized isotonic solution and maintenance of concentration of ozone in isotonic solution in current of all time of an intravenous infusion. нzonization of liquids occurs in a vessels from absolutely steady against action ozone of a quartz glass of capacity 0,8 liters. The microprocessor control and continuous adjustment parameters of gas and liquid create unique conditions for realization safe and highly effective ozonotherapy.

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"BOZON - K" - automated workplace of the doctor Нzonotherapeutist. 
    The apparatus is supplied with gauges of ozone in gas and liquid. The design liquid gauge allows measuring concentration of ozone in liquids in process of ozonization. Directory system of a complex "╚BOZON -K " has three independent databases: database of auto assignments, database of the patients and base of the literature.
   The session of Нzonotherapy consists of: 
Ю) in a choice of the patient from the database the patients, 
А) a choice of nozoform from base of auto assignments, 
Б) of start procedures. 
All actions for realization of procedures are carried out automatically.
     Apparatus of family "BOZON" are completed by device for ozonization of isotonic solution in bottle, device for Нzonization of acoustical passage, plastic bags for gasation of dermal surfaces, equipment for rectal insufflations, equipment for small and large autohemotherapy.

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 "BOZON - COSMO" - the automated workplace of the doctor ozonotherapeutist - cosmetologist.
       Ozonotherapeutical apparatus has all advantages of ozonotherapeutical apparatus "BOZON - K", and the complete set by modules "BOZON-SNOW" and "BOZON-PORT" gives possibilities to simplify realization of hypodermic injections of нHA and to protect the patient from unpleasant painful sensations, which may be at intraskin infusion.

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       The module "BнZнN-PORT" incorporates the valve from Нzono- proof material allowing to fill in a syringe нHA quickly, that substantially make easier realization of hypodermic injections нHA. The stability of concentration нHA is achieved by constant purge through module; excess нHA acts in the built destructor.
       The module "BнZнN-SNOW" is intended for intensifying physiological effect and decreasing of painful reactions in the patients during realization of hypodermic injections нHA by means of the combined influence of cold analgesia and influences of microcurrents. At tests has shown an opportunity of sharp augmentation of concentration of ozone at hypodermic injections without intensifying painful sensation of an injection. It is protected by the patents Ukraines and Russia.
        Module "BнZнN-LюGрн" automated device for realizations of large Юutohemotherapy.  Reversible peristaltic pump with executive mechanism of cam type and microprocessor system managements. The application of the module ╚BOZON- LюGрн╩ is significant (up to four times) reduces time of realization of procedure. Sharply reduces traumatization of LAGT procedure at the expense of use needles of 0,7 mm for the blood taking. The apparatus has built regulator of blood flow rate, timer and system of safety preventing opportunity of air interferes in a vein in time of reinfusions of an ozonized blood. It is protected by the patents of Ukraine and Russia.
        Module "BOZON - ozonostat" portable apparatus for infusions of ozonized isotonic solution, presence of a vessel for saving of a stock ozono-oxygen admixture, termoprotective casing, allows to support concentration of ozone on internal level during all time of realization of vein infusion, in spite on temperatures of air. It is protected by the patents of Ukraine and Russia.

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The module "BнZнN-ENT" the apparatus for Нzonotherapy of otites, sinusitis by method of application of ozone inside of aural passage with catalytic deozonator. Allows carrying out application of Нzonooxygen admixture inside of aural passage at high concentration (10-100Лg/l) without pollution of air room by ozone
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    All measuring units are constructed under the flowing circuit, but can be used for single measuring. All measuring units work in two regimens of short-term stability of the indications (SS) and long-term stability (LS) 
       Measuring unit "BOZON √ G -1" is intended for measuring concentration of ozone in gas. The relative given mistake of measuring in a regimen SS - 5 %, instability of "zero" - no more ╠ 0,2 Лg/l. In regimen LS - instability of "zero" - no more ╠2 Лg.
       Measuring unit "BOZON √ G - 2" is intended for measuring concentration of ozone in gas. Relative given mistake of measuring units in a regimen SS - 5 %, instability of "zero" no more ╠ 0,1 Лg/l. In a regimen LS - instability of "zero" - not more ╠0,2 Лg.
      Measuring unit "BOZON - DFG" is intended for measuring concentration of ozone in gas, isotonic solution and distillate water.  The relative given mistake of measuring in a regimen SS - 5 %, instability of "zero" - no more ╠ 0,1 Лg/l. In a regimen LS - instability of "zero" - no more ╠0, 2 Лg (water), ╠2 Лg (gas)

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Apparatus for getting of Нzonized physiological solution in standard bottle with a rubber bung and processing of blood in variant of a small autohemotherapy. For reception of ozonized isotonic solution the rubber bung of the bottle with a sterile isotonic solution is pierced simultaneously by two needles for submission and removal of Нzone-oxygen admixtures. Needles are executed from corrosion-proof steel with special Нzone stable covering. Target and entrance branch pipes are bridged by the help of tight connectors with exit of gas on a post "BНzНn". In period between procedures equipment is kept in the special glass cylinder.
 The example of use of apparatus can be seen after click by the left button of the mouse under the picture of needles. Single plastic bag for realization of Нzonotherapy by the method of epicutaneous application. The bag is executed from steady against ozone material. It has tight ЯНnnectiors for connection to  installation of family "BOZON". 
 Removable ЯНnnectiors for submission нHA in plastic bag from installations of family "Bozon". яНnnЕctors have screw seals, executed from corrosion-proof steel covered  by ozone stable material. Use connectors allows to the user to carry out procedure application of ozone, using usual polyethylene packages

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Complete set for Нzonotherapy by the method of rectal insufflation includes glass isolation ward, 20 single hand pieces for introduction of gas in rectum and connecting pipe for connections to apparatus of family "Bozon".
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